Tulane students, at the UFM Business School

Partial view of the Tulane group, in class, at the UFM.

Twenty-seven MBA students from the A.B. Freeman School of Business, Houston Campus, of Tulane University, visited Universidad Francisco Marroquín to complete the corresponding module as part of the international experience that both universities offer.

The approach and content of the course is oriented to Businesses Management between different Cultures.  The course is divided in 2 modules: In the first module MBA students from Tulane visited Guatemala and received classes during days 15, 16 and 17 of February of 2007 with the students of the UFMs School of Businesses.  In the second module that will be celebrated in March 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the students from the School of Businesses will travel to Houston to receive classes in Tulane.

Both modules are imparted by professors Fernando Monterroso, from the School of Businesses; and Chris McCusker, from Tulane University.  During the course the students had the opportunity to have lunch with Carlos Paíz, from Wal Mart; and they visited the Museum Popol Vuh, of this house of studies.

This course covers management through different cultures; and the goals to reach are: to learn on culture and cultural differences as a result of investigation and theoretical markets; to stimulate, to consolidate and develop skills for the direction and leadership through cultures; to learn from others in a respectful, challenging and multicultural atmosphere.  

The culture is analyzed from several perspectives.  It is considered how it is that culture and cultural differences affect the opinions in the social atmosphere and the organizations.  Our analysis includes some ideas of the psychology of human perception as well as investigation on the ways by which cultures are different.

The participants, from Tulane and the UFM, were: Heather Albrecht, Brock Derbes, Amanda Feazell, Richard Feazell, Phillip Cherry, Dwayne Francis, Tiffany Harrison, Irfan Khan, Jan Kimmel, Catherine MacFarland, Brett Mendenhall, Rommel Oates, David Ott, Andrew Peine, David Piri, Christopher Pope, Brian Putnam, Todd Sakai, Blythe Smith, Olga Sosa, Bernardo Stephano, Gonzalo Coit, Aaron Suber, Vanessa Surber, Amber Wilson, Smoked Daisy, Chris McCusker, Fernando Monterroso, Helmuth Chávez, Sergio Enríquez, Michelle Hazbun, Paola Sosa, Ana Luisa Martinez Mont de Gordillo, Anabella de Bermúdez, Marks Palm, Estuardo Jáuregui, Mónica Terrace, Lucia Valenzuela and Estuardo Chávez.

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