Sanga Panggabean, of Indonesia in the UFM

arlos González; Diana Diaz, student of the EPRI; Sanga Panggabean and Estuardo Rodriguez.

Sanga Panggabean, first secretary of the permanent mission of Indonesia in the United Nations visited the Center Ibn Khaldun and the campus of the University Francisco Marroquín Thursday 21 of 2005 July.

The diplomat indonesio came accompanied from Carlos González, honorary consul of Indonesia in our country.

«the objective of the visit was to know the campus the UFM and the Center Ibn Khaldun, since they are interested in making a Expo Indonesia in Guatemala. The same one will take place in this student house of 2005, in the same way in which the Center made the Expo Israel in November of 2004», informed Estuardo Rodriguez, director of Center IK.

This academic center is first, in Central America, that touches to the subject of Asia and the Islam; and Indonesia, located in the Southeastern of Asia, is the country with greater Muslim population in the world.

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IA y academia, alianzas y desafíos


Epidendrum ciliare adornan el campus


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