Variety of rhythms and visual art at»Of Free Expression»

Marcelo Furlán, Iván Morales and Kike Furlán, at Of Free Expression, en la UFM

House and tribal music, as well as reggae and dancehall were presented by Iván Morales, Marcelo Furlán and Kike Furlán during the edition of Of Free Expression that was celebrated last February 27th of 2007 at the Künstler Kaffee at the Ludwig von Mises Library.

In this occasion there was also a display of visual art from different authors. It was dispersed among the vegetation that surrounds the Künstler Kaffe. There was also a blackboard available for the participants where other forms of expression were displayed.

The objective of this space is that the UFM community, with different artistic talents, has a friendly space to be known and express artistically.

Of Free Expression is called this way so that you can give it the character you want; for example: Moment of free expression, Space of free expression, or place of free expression. Among the expressions that usually participate are music, poetry, plastic arts, short stories and others.

This space is visited by students, professors and administrative personnel of the UFM to hang out, have a good time and know the artistic expressions that we have at this house of studies.

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