Ayau presented proReforma to Amigos del País

Manuel F. Ayau at the podium in the UFM’s Friedman Auditorium

Manuel F. Ayau, director of Asociación ProReforma presented the project of a State reform, denominated proReforma, to the members of Asociación de Amigos del País, at the Milton Friedman Auditorim, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, last May 24th of 2007.

The objective of
proReforma is to propose to the citizenship a political reform of the State of Guatemala, through the establishment of general and abstract norms of right conduct, in the Political Constitution of the Republic.

Lionel Toriello, president of the Asociación de Amigos del País, told the constitutional history of Guatemala and then Ayau explained the reforms.

ProReformation seeks to protect the rights of the people, so that we all live and dedicate to the activities that we freely choose, as long as we do not violate other people’s rights, in the conviction that only this way we can achieve prosperity and a healthy communitarian action. 

According to the proposal, the Government will prioritize taking care of public order, it will reinforce and impart justice quickly, will guard that contracts are fulfilled and that property is respected, will enforce tax payment and will subsidize the road network. It will never try to be a protagonist in the economic activities of individual persons, and even less will it establish measures to guarantee benefits to any sector on the expenses of others.

The presentation was attended by members of the Asociación de Amigos del País, UFMs directives, from which Ayau is President emeritus, and professors and friends of this house of studies.

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