Professor Amador and Blum in Guatevisión

David Amador, left, during the interview at the UFM

To discuss Guatemala’s electoral scenery and the possible political scenarios in the frame of the upcoming elections in September, the news program from Guatevisión interviewed professors David Amador, director of the Ibn Khaldun International Research Center; and

Roberto Blum, director of the Ethics Center, both from Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

«The interviews were at the UFM campus. We made the interviews with the purpose of analyzing each one of the four most important candidates, its proposals, their corporal language and the viability of their political projects. In addition to this interview, we have proposed that the Ibn Khaldun Research Center becomes a space of academic resources and political perspective», explained Amador. 

The interview will air next Monday April 30th, in the segment A Fondo, of the news program in Guatevisión.





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