Representatives from the USA Embassy at the UFM

Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., UFM President; Erica Thibault; Scott Smith and David Lindwall.

David Lindwall, Advisory Minister; Erica Thibault, Cultural Aggregate; and Scott Smith, Press Aggregate of the United States of America Embassy, visited Universidad Francisco Marroquín last February 21st of 2007.

The primary objective of the visit was to find ways of academic collaboration between that diplomatic mission and this house of studies.

During their visit, the civil employees were received by UFM´s President, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., with whom they visited the UFM´s School of Businesses.  During the visit the President showed them the work made at
New Media Digital Resources Center developing online tools; the conservation through the
Arboretum; and the work done by the
Center of Advanced Technologies in the matter of communications and technology.  The visitors also visited the Academic Building and its Socratic Wing.

The visit concluded with a lunch in company of Grete Pasch, director of the Ludwig von Mises Library and Luis Figueroa, director of Public Relations.  

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