Dean Alfaro welcomed Pre-med students

Dr. Federico Alfaro while addressing the students at the UFM’s School of Medicine.

«Your goal is to become doctors with academic and humanistic excellence; as well as to fulfill your dreams of improving lives through the recovery of health and its prevention», said Federico Alfaro, Dean of the Medicine School at Universidad Francisco Marroquín, to the freshman students.

«The basic characteristics of a good doctor are the service and commitment spirit, dedication and devotion to their studies, and humility», he added, during the welcoming act organized in the Magna Classroom of that academic unit, last January 16th of 2007.  «Medicine is service, before anything», explained Alfaro.

When referring about studies, the dean expressed that to stay updated in Medicine is an obligation.  Medical knowledge and the approach towards diseases changes quickly.  Medicine has undergone radical changes in the last decades and doctors must spare daily time to stay up to date.  The continuous medical education is a fundamental task to keep the current excellence of medicine.

Excellence was a constant in Alfaro’s lecture; and at the UFM, its commitment with it is expressed in a public document that is available

After the lecture by doctor Alfaro concluded, the freshmen students participated in a guided visit, through the School of Medicine, in company of their pedagogical adviser Maria Teresa Pivaral.

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