UFM´s staff at tour

The team that participated in the tour at the Liberty Monument As an induction and fraternal activity for those that join…

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New Media gave video to contest winner

Olga Armírez, after receiving her short film Olga Armírez, winner of the script contest organized by the New Media Digital…

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Colegio Internacional visits the UFM

The visitors at the Liberty Plaza Accompanied by the school´s counceler Lilian Pinto, 63 students from Colegio Internacional visited the…

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The walls, theme of Sokratic Kaffee

Discussion at the Künstler Kaffee The walls ethics, walls of all type, was the subject discussed during the Sokratic Kaffee…

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Friedrich A. Hayek essay contest 2006

Friedrich A. Hayek, Nobel Prize in Economy As part of their activities, the Mont Pelerin Society organizes an essay contest as a…

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