Planificación urbana discute el Cadep

Primero de izquierda a derecha, Alejandro Baldizon, del Cadep, durante las discusiones Con la participación de abogados, economistas, politólogos, periodistas…

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Welcomings at the Medicine School

Federico Alfaro, during his presentation as new Medicine Dean at the UFM Doctor Federico Alfaro, dean at the Medicine School of…

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State Reform at Cadep´s colloquy

Partial view of the participants  The Project of State Reformation by means of establishing general and abstract norms of right conduct…

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First art exhibition, by law students

The Man, work by María Lewin The first Art exhibition of Law students from the Francisco Marroquín University, was celebrated on…

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ERPI analizes La Moncloa Pacts

Partial view of the participants In order to know the Pacts of La Moncloa, whose main value resides in the…

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Travel+Leisure´s editor visits UFM

Elizabeth Hanckel and Nancy Novogrod at the UFM´s campus Novogrod, Editor in Chief of the magazine Travel+Leisure, visited the Francisco Marroquín University last February…

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