Success for SIFE-UFM project

SIFE-UFM team during the activity at San Juan Sacatepéquez Fotos por: Luis Pedro Mirón A. «I have excellent news for you……

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Angélica Rocha at APEE´s contest

 Angélica Rocha Art History student Angelica Rocha, Art History student from the Education Department at the Francisco Marroquín University, obtained…

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Oslo´s student visits EPRI

Alejandra Méndez, Martín Rivera, Milton Barrascout, Diego Vásquez and Lioba Suchnewirth Lioba Suchenwirth, doctorate student at the University of Oslo;…

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 UFM celebrates Darwin´s day

Scenes from the movie The dangerous idea of Darwin With the projection and discussion of the film The dangerous idea…

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New Media, at GuateAmala

New Media´s crew, at the exhibition Photos by Luis Pedro Mirón, Jorge Samayoa and Sergio Miranda Due to its contribution towards…

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EPRI´s induction program

Students at a study habits activity Patricia de Bassi, from the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations of the…

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