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Visitors from Spring Arbor University, at the UFM
The visiting group in front of the UFM´s Library Lead by the Evangelical Center of Pastoral Studies in Central America…
Leer másAPEE published Manuel F. Ayau´s speech
Portrait of the issue in which Ayau´s speech was publised «We exert our property rights, basically in two forms: by enjoying…
Leer másTrujillo welcomed EPRI´s students
Partial view of the students attending the EPRI´s event Pedro Trujillo, director of the Political Studies and International Relations Institute…
Leer másUFM Encounter: parents, profesors and authorities
Partial view of the attendants at the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Auditorium For the Francisco Marroquín University excellence is a virtue…
Leer másRoberto Salinas, public policy analyst, at the UFM
Roberto Salinas giving a lecture at the Francisco Marroquín University In order to give this year´s inaugural lesson, at the Francisco Marroquín…
Leer másAntony P. Mueller will teach at the UFM
Mueller during his visit at the UFM in 2004 Professor Antony Peter Mueller, came to the Francisco Marroquín University to give…
Leer másLibrary´s new personnel at UFM´s tour
The participant, at the Popol Vuh Museum A group of new members of the Ludwig von Mises Library, in the Francisco Marroquín…
Leer másRiky Titus, from Archuitecture, got a scholarship
Riky Titus will trabel to the UK to a digital design workshop Riky Titus, whose Cruises Terminal project was within…
Leer másToday Lord Acton would celebrate his birthday
Acton said: «Everyones will cannot make right what´s not fair» Who has not heard the celebrate phrase that says: «the…
Leer másJohn Blundell, IEA´s general director at the UFM
Ricardo Castillo A., Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., Claudia Araneda and John Blundell at the UFM´s garden John Blundell, director of the…
Leer másWelcome Rally to UFM´s new students
The winning team of the Rally celebrates its triumph Alfredo Cardona, from the Economic Sciences Faculty was the winner of…
Leer másMBA Students at the Excellence Center
The participants during the workshop As part of the induction program for MBA´s new students, from the School of Businesses…
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