Psychology students finished practices

Prom 2005 outside of the Viktor Frankl clinics When concluding their supervised clinical practices, 14 students of Clinical Psychology of the…

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UFM excellence in service 

Roberto Cervantes in the UFM´s Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium In order to train in the search of the excellence and quality service, academic…

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Fundal at UFM´s Excellence Center 

In the Excellence Center at the Francisco Marroquín University, the staff of the  Alex Foundation (FUNDAL) participated in a Challenge…

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Eating habits, in scientific activity

Dora Nicolasa Gómez Eating habits and its clinical importance, as well as the fiber and photochemicals in health and illness,…

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Michelle Bran, «big in Japan»

Michelle Bran, estudiante del EPRI, en Japón Michelle Bran, estudiante del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales de la…

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EPRI in cheerfull encounter

Pedro Trujillo, EPRI´s director Authorities, professors, employees, students and alumni of the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations (EPRI),…

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¡Jo, jo, jo!, Christmas at UFM

Nativity is the most «chapín» Christmas symbol On the first day of December the christmas spirit arrived at the Francisco…

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