Krea, at UFM’s Excellence Center

Vista de los participantes en uno de los ejercicios
Fotos por Carla de Hess

A group of executives and collaborators of Krea, a real estate corporation, participated in a team workshop organized by the Excellence Center of the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, last September 8th, 2006.

«The workshop concluded with a high ropes activity, consisting on ringing the bell, to achieve mayor challenges and get out of their comfort zone«, explained Carla de Hess, director of the Center.

Regarding the experience, the participants said: 

It is an excellent workshop, I am leaving very excited.It fulfills its purpose.It is very good and helps teamwork, communication and trust.The dynamics are good and up to date.It is very good; it helps you discover hidden qualities.It is a motivating and different experience.I think it is a very good way to remind us how to work as a team.From now on, I keep the impression that I can, not only work very well with my team mates, but also have fun with them.It helps us face fears and challenges.The ropes camp of the Excellence Center is located in a hill behind the Ludwig von Mises Library and is part of the UFM’s
Arboretum.  More than 200 persons have received ropes workshops at the university, including students, faculty, administrative personnel of this house of studies, and students from other institutions and corporation collaborators.

The Excellence Center is an educational project directed to UFM students and external persons to contribute to their integral education, developing team work abilities and leadership.

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