Liberty and responsibility, at UFM colloquy

Partial view of the participants of Explorations on Liberty, during their visit to the UFM

Liberty and responsibility in the thought of Federico Bastiat, were the subject of XXXVII Colloquy Explorations on Liberty that was celebrated in Guatemala from June 14 to the 16th of 2007.

Explorations is a program of the UFMs Presidents Office sponsored by this house of studies and the Liberty Fund.

This colloquy was directed by professor Martin Krause, from Argentina and the participants were Belen Amadeo and Nicholas Malobreti, from that South American country; Francisco Beltrantena, Alvaro Dubón, Moris Polanco and Fernando Calderón, from Guatemala; Gabriel Calzada, from Spain; Rodrigo Cubero and Alexander Jenkins, from Costa Rica; Alejandro Falla, from Peru; Pia Greene and José Francisco García, from Chile; Daniel Morales and Francisco Plaza, from Venezuela; and David Ortíz, from Colombia.

As observers were Manuel F. Ayau, Ottavio Benfatto, Fernando Monterroso and Ramon Parellada.  The director of the program is Lucy Martinez-Mont.

The last session celebrated on Friday 18th was celebrated at the UFM and the participants met with Ramon Parellada, treasurer of this house of studies.

More photos,
[ here].




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